The Girl and The Dumplings
Responsible for all aspects, Concept art by TB Choi
This project was based on a concept by TB Choi.
the concept art had a very dynamic pose and I was excited by the idea of modeling it !

Below you can see the gray shader in order to see the sculpt better without textures and next to it I included a wire frame image.

I also brought the natural pose inside of Marvelous Designer in order to create the dress. I knew I could have modeled it inside of ZBrush but I wanted to make sure the folds were properly placed and closer to real life behavior of cloth.

After the Dress was made I imported the posed character and started thinking of how to make the cloth feel more stretch in some areas. In order to accomplish the look I was going for, I made the size of the dress smaller on the bottom half and the pinned down the areas I need to make the shape work and stay true to the concept art.

Software Used:
Adobe Substance 3D Painter
Marvelous Designer